Our blog helps New Jersey employees understand their legal rights when they believe an employer isn’t treating them fairly. Learn about state and federal protections for discrimination, as well as your options for handling a contract dispute or disagreements related to your compensation and benefits. For help with your specific concerns, contact our office to request a free 15-minute case review.
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NJ Vicinage 13 Courthouse Doors Are Half-Closed (For Now)NJ Vicinage 13 Courthouse Doors Are Half-Closed
Summertime and for Some Teens the Workin' Just Got EasierSummertime and for Some New Jersey Teens the Workin' Just Got Easier
You Could Be Rewarded If You Report Your Employer for Defrauding the Federal GovernmentIf you report your employer for defrauding the federal government, you might be able to sue for damages through a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act.
Understanding When a Severance Offer Is Really a Cover-UpIf you are being offered a severance package to leave a company after making a complaint in New Jersey, it could mean you have a legal claim. We can help you,
At-Will Employees Cannot Be Fired for These ReasonsIf you are an at-will employee in New Jersey, your employer does not need a reason to fire you. However, they are still subject to anti-discrimination laws.
Things Change But Basics Don’t: One Important Tip for Job Hunting in 2021In this age of computers, algorithms, and keywords, I suggest that you break away from the comfort and narrowness of limiting your job search to the internet.
Medical Marijuana in the Workplace: You Have Protections If You Are a Registered UserIf you use marijuana for medicinal purposes and are a registered patient, you cannot be fired or otherwise penalized for a positive drug test.
What a Good Severance Package Looks LikeHow do you know the severance package you are offered when you are being terminated is fair? We share terms that you should look for before signing.
Pandemic, Rising Unemployment, Terminations, and Severance AgreementsThese are difficult times, but that does not mean you should be rushed into accepting a severance package if your company is letting you go. See how we can help.
Sales Representation Protection Act does Not Apply to Direct EmployeesAs a direct employee who works on commission, you are not entitled to protections under the Sales Representative Protection Act, but you still have protections.
NJ Law About Employment and Settlement Agreements Changed in 2019NJ Senate Bill 121, enacted in 2019, expanded employee rights as it prevented employers from hiding questionable practices behind confidentiality agreements.
Retaliation Against Whistleblowers: When Doing Good Costs You Your JobIn New Jersey, the Conscientious Employee Protection Act protects employees who report their employers for illegal activity. Learn how a lawyer can help here.