Steinberg Law, LLC helps business owners and employees resolve a wide range of complex legal concerns. Our clients include companies trying to stay in compliance with governmental regulations, creative professionals working to protect their intellectual property rights, parties involved in contract disputes, and individuals who’ve been victims of employment discrimination. Contact us today to learn how we can help with your legal concerns.
Business Law
When you've worked hard to build a successful business, the last thing you want to do is let legal issues put the company's future in jeopardy. From protecting your intellectual property rights to resolving breach of contract claims with vendors, suppliers, or clients, Steinberg Law, LLC can provide the guidance you need to ensure your business maintains a solid legal foundation. We'll answer your questions, explain your options, and help you resolve your concerns in the most effective way possible—whether that means conflict resolution in court, a regulatory proceeding, arbitration, or mediation.
Employment Law
As an employee, you have the right to expect safe and fair working conditions. If you’ve been discriminated against, accused of breaking the terms of an employment-related contract, or otherwise treated unfairly, Steinberg Law, LLC can explain your options in easy-to-understand terms, answer questions you may have about New Jersey’s employment rights statute known as the Law Against Discrimination, and help you determine the best way to move forward. We provide the legal help you need to ensure your employer doesn’t derail your future career opportunities.
Workplace Investigation
In many cases as a Workplace Investigation attorney, I have to explore different scenarios. Employers and I discuss several factual pieces of evidence to determine who is telling the truth and how to handle the outcomes.
If you are an employer and need legal advice for a workplace investigation due to accusations, call Steinberg Law today.
Aviation Law
Aviation law is a highly targeted area of practice, but attorney Frank Steinberg is uniquely qualified to assist businesses and private pilots alike in resolving their aviation law concerns. With 50 years of experience as a pilot, he understands firsthand the challenges associated with staying in compliance with the appropriate federal, state, and international rules and regulations. Contact Steinberg Law, LLC today to get the help you need to get back in the air.