In our regularly updated blog, we discuss a range of topics related to employment law and business disputes. If you’re an employee, learn what to do if you’ve been unfairly discriminated against, accused of violating a non-compete or confidentiality agreement, or received an inadequate severance package after losing your job. If you’re a business owner, learn what your options are when you’re dealing with cases involving antitrust, intellectual property, cybersecurity, consumer fraud, contract disputes, or pending litigation.
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Things Change But Basics Don’t: One Important Tip for Job Hunting in 2021In this age of computers, algorithms, and keywords, I suggest that you break away from the comfort and narrowness of limiting your job search to the internet.
Medical Marijuana in the Workplace: You Have Protections If You Are a Registered UserIf you use marijuana for medicinal purposes and are a registered patient, you cannot be fired or otherwise penalized for a positive drug test.
August 2021 Lawyer Pilots Bar Association Meeting UpdateAviation Law Attorney Frank Steinberg returns from the first meeting of the Lawyer Pilots Bar Association since early March of 2020.
Take These Steps to Protect Your Valuable Intellectual PropertyIs your company’s most valuable property—ideas, code, schematics, prototypes—protected from theft? We can help you legally protect your intellectual property.
Aviation Law Attorney Frank Steinberg Quoted in Article About the Impending Loss of Flying WFrank Steinberg was recently quoted in an article about the impending loss of Flying W as a part of New Jersey’s dwindling airport infrastructure.
What a Good Severance Package Looks LikeHow do you know the severance package you are offered when you are being terminated is fair? We share terms that you should look for before signing.
Understand Federal Antitrust Laws So You Can Avoid ViolationsYou might not think you have to worry about violating antitrust law, but do you know what those laws cover? Learn how to protect your New Jersey business.
Flight of TwoPilots have a saying that aviators don’t “die;” they “fly west.” It’s an expression that goes back to the Allied pilots of World War I.
Good and Bad Ways for Companies to Deal With Mail DelaysThe pandemic has created unprecedented delays in mail delivery. We take a look at examples of good customer service and a tone-deaf response to this problem.
NJ Jury Trials to Resume by September 2020In an effort to clear the backlog of cases, the New Jersey court system will begin scheduling in-person trials in September of 2020. We look at some concerns.
Pandemic, Rising Unemployment, Terminations, and Severance AgreementsThese are difficult times, but that does not mean you should be rushed into accepting a severance package if your company is letting you go. See how we can help.
Sales Representation Protection Act does Not Apply to Direct EmployeesAs a direct employee who works on commission, you are not entitled to protections under the Sales Representative Protection Act, but you still have protections.